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Air Purifying and Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants for Your Home and Office

People spend more than 90% of their time indoor. Indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top 5 environmental risks to public health. Furnishings, Synthetic Building Materials, and cleansing products can emit variety of toxic compounds.
The good news is that there is an easy and affordable way to combat the presence of such harmful pollutants from the indoors. Plants! But how do plants do that? Well, plants purify the air. They absorb such particles along with carbon dioxide, which is processed into oxygen, through photosynthesis.
Following is the list of the best and commonly found plants that can make the air inside your home pure and full of oxygen.
  • Mother-in-law Tongue Plant:
    Also called Snake plant or Bedroom plant. They have long, tongue like leaves with pointed ends. It is the top air purifying plant identified by NASA and IIT Kanpur. It removes at least 107 air pollutants like carbon mono-oxide, formaldehyde, chloroform etc. It produces abundant amount of oxygen at night, thus is an excellent plant to be kept in home. These plants can grow without water for weeks and can live in any climate including no sunlight but should be kept in sunlight after 2 or 3 weeks. 3 feet tall 6 plants are required for one person.
  • Areca Palm:Also called Living room plant/ Butterfly palm/ Bamboo palm. It is another air purifying plant identified by IIT Kanpur. It absorbs pollutants in the atmosphere like formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon mono-oxide and releases fresh air. Its also a natural humidifier producing ambient water every 24 hours, thus is a well suited plant for dry climate or to those having breathe problems. It requires sunlight once in 3 to 4 months thus is well suited for living room. Its necessary to clean the leaves daily for its proper functioning. 5 feet tall 4 plants are required for one person.
  • Money Plant: Its a powerful air purifying plant according to IIT Kanpur that cleans air in house due to its affinity for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). It absorbs all the off gases from synthetic paint or carpets, thus provides a clean and positive atmosphere in house. It easily grows in water but have toxic leaves and should not be ingested. It should be kept away from pets or children. The vines reach up to 30 to 40 feet but it can be easily trimmed up to your convenience.
